Love this action shot. Those feet were moving fast.

“I am not pleased with this.”

Sunbathing under heat lamps.

First bath. (Sept 4, 2009) I promise those knives are securely magnet-ed to the wall.

First Notre Dame game watch (Sept 5 ’09)

First Mass – Fr. Nowak was kind enough to do a home Mass for us. (9.5.09)

UT game watch later in day. She’s our little oompa loompa.

This is O smiling in her sleep when grandpa was holding her. (9.7.09)

I love this picture but it was miserable at the time. (9.10.09)

One of my favs. (9.13.09)

First walk outside. It was only a lap around the complex but still a milestone. (9.18.09)

The fam at O’s baptism with Fr. Ed Koharchik (10.10.09)

The Padrinos.

This is what she did the whole time. Her baptismal garment and bonnet and booties were made by Sister Stephanie.

Love it. Decorating the Christmas tree at grandparents’ house. (12.5.09)

Our Christmas tree here at home. We were quite proud. Kraft walked it home all the way from the tree lot. (11.29.09)

O’s first wedding, our friends Nate and Amelia. (12.12.09)

When O started being able to get out of her swaddle. (12.19.09)

First Christmas. Midnight Mass. (12.25.09)

How these two rang in the New Year. (1.1.10)

O helping me with laundry. (1.5.10)

Her bear suit. Don’t be fooled, she hated it. (1.8.10)


After first haircut. I totally butchered her hair. (1.19.10)

Watching Sunday Night Football with Daddy. (1.24.10)

SuperOlivia watching me cook. (1.27.10)

Solid food. She loves carrots. (1.31.10)

First Mardi Gras, woohoo! Check out those pants. (2.16.10)

Kraft becomes a 4th degree Knight of Columbus. First professional family photo. (3.21.10)

Ok, that should pretty well catch you up. Welcome to our little family.